Friday, June 17, 2011

recent life

I wish I had the time to blog more often! too bad... anyways. onto the recent happenings in my life.

On Thursday night, I drove down to Park Plaza for an epic game of Moonlight Mafia. too bad I was exhausted and I only made it through about an hour of the game. It was really fun though. We opened up a lot of the apartments and you had to wander around and try not to get killed. or if you were a cop, you had to kill the murderers. I was a cop the second time but was not very good at finding the murderers apparently.

Cleaning took forever on Friday because we had to switch out some sick bedding and we were missing a lot of bedding as well. After cleaning, I went back to my trailer and took a four hour nap. man, I have been sleeping so much lately. trying to not get the stomach flu is hard work. After I woke up from my four hour nap, I went to Pizza Pie Cafe with like 15 people from Aspen Grove. We talked about weird dreams we have had and how Ben can control his dreams Inception style. It was a lot of fun. Then we went to the park and watched the sunset... and some weird couples. and we practiced our smolders. you know, the usual. We decided to come home and watch a movie. but I knew I would fall asleep during it so I just came back to my trailer to blog and chill.

can't wait for tomorrow... Glen projects and cleaning checks! and my family gets here in one week! and Harry Potter comes out in 28 days! Good night everyone :)

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