Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Okay, this post is not going to be about what you think.

Since coming to college, I feel like one of the main areas where my testimony has grown the strongest has been in my desire to be married in the temple. As a teenage girl going to young women's, it was always one of those things where I was always planning on doing it, but I never really thought about it other than the autopilot of it was what I should do. But as I came to college and had some amazing religion classes and began to see how going to the temple could change my life, I began to think about how I wanted to start off my family with the blessings and promises that come from a temple marriage. and now I for myself that there is no other place I want to be married. And... it's just so pretty. (cue stalkerlike pictures of random people after their marriages)

as for the honeymoon... (these pictures are just plain weird, but you get the idea!)

Disney World Baby!!! Hopefully I can talk my husband into this one, because how epic would that be?

And... just for kicks because I found this while I was looking at Disneyworld honeymoon pictures. Tangled reception anyone?

Well, enough about marriage :) until next time!

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