Friday, February 8, 2013


I have this problem where I get invited to do way too many fun things on the weekends! I mean it is so great to feel like I have lots of friends and fun things to do, but it's so hard turning everyone down! 

Tonight, I have been invited to:

go to my roommate's fondue party for her birthday (that's happening)
go to a Black and White themed party planned by some people in my ward
go to a game night
go see Wreck it Ralph at the dollar theatre
...and so on and so forth! I just hate saying no to people! 

...and there's also that Humanities test I have to take tomorrow morning that I haven't studied for. but it's my senior year so I gotta live it up! 

but, good news... I'M GOING TO LONDON! holy cow it's so exciting and crazy! I applied for a passport today and can't believe I will be studying abroad there in June! 

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