Saturday, October 20, 2012


yesterday was quite a crazy day.

the worst part of it all being that I spent a fair amount of money getting my iPod fixed and seconds later it fell. to the ground. shattered again.

there were a few other things that were just a little crazy. mainly dealing with some changes in my life. like the fact that one of my best friends just left on a mission. I am so happy for her. but seriously, she was one of my best friends. the one I could call about everything, especially when I was stressed or having a bad day. and writing a letter and waiting for one just isn't the same.

and then another one of my friends said she might be getting married soon. what? I already had one of my good friends get married. I am NOT ready for this to happen all over again.

I've learned in my individual development class that it is okay to be sad. as long as it's not every day. and overall, I am happy. I have learned that part of being happy is allowing myself to feel these emotions, to recognize them and allow them to happen and to take time doing things that make me happy.

Thanks to a hangout session with a long lost friend, some pumpkin smash Jamba Juice, the nice people that gave me a discount to fix my iPod the second time, reminiscing with some high school friends, and prayer, life is going to be good.

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