Monday, June 24, 2013

I'm in London? for real?

The best thing about London is that I just want to explore everywhere and see all the cool buildings. I love all the parks and how green they are. I loved seeing all the British people walk by our flat. I love that everyone walks around to get places. I love the big red buses. I love riding the tube. And my favourite part of all has to be the weather. It is excellent. I am all for 60 degree weather and it is so great to be escaping the hot part of the year here! (everyone thinks I am crazy because I have not yet worn a jacket). The part of London where we live is definitely confusing to get to, but I will learn my way around. More adventures will follow, I just wanted to document my initial thoughts. I had tons of fun wandering around the city yesterday, but I was so tired by about 3:00 that I was just ready for bed. Luckily, I managed to stay up until about 9:30. However, this made even the simplest tasks difficult… I really struggled grocery shopping and I don’t think much of what I bought will be helpful. Though the chocolate certainly is delicious! Can’t wait for day 2 of exploring and starting my homework! (yuck)

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