Friday, January 20, 2012


I have decided that one of my talents/curses is that I feel emotions so strongly.

like how much my friends uplift me and want me to be better. like how I would do anything for them.

like how much I am going to miss Park Plaza and how much of a home it has been to me.

like how I feel the overwhelming love of the Savior when I need it most.

like how sometimes I can be so confused about life and it makes me nervous.

like how my dream last night was so sad and it caused me to be very confused in the morning.

like how much love I feel for my wonderful family.

like how I am just laughing and happy right now as my roommate acts like the coach of the basketball game she is playing on the x-box. and I hear one of the guys in our ward playing his trombone outside.

on the whole, I love feeling emotions so strongly. It makes me feel so alive. and as long as I don't let these emotions completely take over my life, they can be a great blessing.

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