Sunday, November 4, 2012

loving life?

This last week has been crazy! thank goodness I am done with tests until finals week! I'm not sure I want to know how I did on my chemistry test, but I am so happy to be done!

In the past two weeks, I did a lot of studying. and a lot of fun things:

making chocolate-covered bananas with my p-chem study buddies. halloween dances. spending a whole afternoon making a haunted house for the ward party. the Zombie run... best race ever. going to a Shakespeare play my friend was in. the play was themed for Halloween and there was lots of blood. that got sprayed on the audience. it was one of the best plays I have been to.

The best part of the week was deciding what I wanted to do this summer. There's this church history "study abroad" that BYU is offering summer term. You spend three weeks learning and preparing for it and then you fly to New York and spend 4 weeks driving around to different sites and learning about Church History and then end up back in Utah. I am so excited and I hope I get in!

I am also going camping with my family this weekend and can't wait to see them and go to Zion's again! who cares about school? :)

and here's some pictures... since that has not happened in awhile!
(mostly of FHE and other fun stuff with friends!)

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