Saturday, October 27, 2012

probably one of my deeper blog posts

I learned a very important lesson today as I was pondering over something that upset me a lot. Basically, to make a long story short, a guy from my ward told me that the reason I never went on dates was because I was not social enough and I did not hang out with other people enough. Naturally, this was upsetting to me because I don't enjoy being super social most of the time and what he saw as not enough effort on my part was me putting in a lot of effort to be around and to hang out with people.

It got me thinking about how we are all different and how there will always be people that will not understand our feelings, our motives, and the things we do. Even if we have a lot of things in common with a person, they will never be able to understand everything about us. I think this may be one of the hardest challenges of this life... learning to serve people and to help them in the ways they need when we may not even understand why they feel a certain way or do certain things. We may judge them and try to blame the things we dislike about them on the actions they take, but we will never truly understand how they think and how this changes their actions.

So that's my goal this next week. to stop judging people so much and to give them the benefit of the doubt. that they really are trying their hardest to be the best they can be in life. because I know sometimes I am trying my hardest, and to others it may not seem too impressive.

I'm grateful for hard lessons sometimes. and for realizing that even though there will never be anyone on this earth who completely understands my every motive and interest and desire and struggle, that I have a Heavenly Father who knows all of that and yet still loves me infinitely and cheers me on. what a glorious blessing.

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