- taking my first education classes and getting to teach chemistry. and learning that even if it is hard, I love it. I have met some fantastic friends in my classes as well.

- learning about how much my Heavenly Father loves me and strengthening my testimony more than ever before. becoming a new person through the gospel.
- Aspen Grove. The second summer was magical. I learned so many amazing things, I lived with the most fantastic girls ever, and working with five year olds and George helped me grow.

- my cousin's wedding. it was so beautiful and I had a great time.
- my first solo roadtrip to go to Disneyland with some of my favorite people ever.
- Zion's. a weekend of fun, lots of crazy sudden decisions, and sleeping in shady trailer parks. but a blast nonetheless.

- randomly deciding to move apartments in the middle of fall semester. Sure, it was a ton of work and a hard decision, but I got my own room for two months and Katie and Kristina have taught me a lot.

- learning that boys are so fun to hang out with. usually I just have my group of friends. and they are mostly girls. but this year I started hanging out with guys and being a little more outgoing around them, and even flirting. crazy. and it is so much fun. and I have even gone on some dates. YAY!
- Ashley getting engaged. I am so happy for her and I love to hang out with her and Hayden. I am super stoked to be a bridesmaid. let the wedding obsession begin.
- living with Mayra. Our friendship started from that and she is so fantastic that I am grateful I met her that way. plus she is [was] an awesome roommate!

- losing almost 20 pounds. almost forgot this one, but it was a major accomplishment. and so exciting :)
Happy 2012 to you all! I am super stoked for another exciting year! (and my last full year of college, which is kind of freaking me out.)
Sounds like a fantastic year! I'm glad I made some of the highlights because you for sure made some of mine! :)