I am taking the Recapturing Beauty challenge this week through BYU.
Today is day one of the challenge:
Using sticky notes or other small pieces of paper, write positive and encouraging words and messages to yourself. Tape these inspiring words and phrases all around the outside of your mirror and leave them up through the entire 10 Day Challenge. Too often, we use the mirror as a way to analyze and criticize ourselves or our bodies. Instead of using the mirror as a weapon against yourself, start to see it as a means of highlighting your positive characteristics and attributes.
Questions for the day: What positive words or phrases would your friends, family, or Heavenly Father add to your mirror?
-You can work hard and achieve your goals.
-You can accomplish great things.
-You are so blessed to have a body that allows you to exercise and do the things you love most.
-I love you so much.
-You have infinite worth because you are a daughter of God.
-You are so kind and caring.
Which of the words or phrases from your mirror do you most want to believe? That is your mantra for the day.
My one phrase from the mirror that I chose was that "I can achieve something today." I feel like many of my days I do not apply myself as much as I should. This positive saying reminded me that I can accomplish small things and improve every day and that I have control over myself and my choices.
At the opening activity, they encouraged us to reach out to our friends and family and encourage them to be more loving and accepting of their bodies. So, remember, your beauty comes from so much more than what you look like. You are a beautiful girl/woman no matter your size, height, hair color, etc... and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Don't obsess about your appearance because your beauty is so much more than that and when you try to focus on the positive in your life, you will be so much happier!
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