Wednesday, August 29, 2012

no more fear

let's just say that I have a few REALLY hard classes this semester.

two words: Physical Chemistry.

I started the semester out so worried that I would not pass the class.

It was stressing me out so much that I needed to do something. so, I thought about what would happen if I failed the class. would it be a little hard? yes. Is it the end of the world? no. Even if I fail the class, it's not the end. I'm still a worthwhile person. There are still other options. and there is always help to ensure that I pass the class.

Today in one of my classes, we went over the concept of wholeness versus perfection. we talked about how we need to stop comparing ourselves to others, and try to change ourselves slowly. how we need to work our hardest, but not give up if we think we will fail. and so much more amazing things that made my day so much better. it only cemented my desire to give up my fear of failure. I already feel so much happier.

so, take a walk today. relax a little. If you don't control your stress now, then it will control you. once you are overwhelmed, life just seems so much harder.

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