1. moan every two minutes about how much boys suck
2. make every little pain seem like the worst thing ever
3. complain about how you have to do homework while you are doing fun things
4. talk about how your friends just like you for your food, money, etc...
5. mention many times that you are failing your classes, when you are, in fact, at least passing all of them.
6. repeat step 1 every day. several times. even when you have no reason to be doing it. you probably won't have any friends soon because they will be sick of you, but who cares really?

oh jer! i will never get sick of you! just fyi. you know what helps me when i'm feeling especially drama queenish? "an attitude of gratitude." when i find myself making lists of all the things that i'm worried, stressed, bummed, or angry about, i find the quickest way to get out of that mind frame is to start making a list of all the things i'm grateful for, and sooner or later, i'm feeling great! hope you're break is soooo good! can't wait to see you!