driving forever and spending Thursday night with my family, taking in all the Halloween decorations at Disneyland, riding Space Mountain and Splash Mountain until I go crazy, having the greatest time with my best friend in the world, enjoying the awesome California weather, and thinking about everything but school. until them I am just trying not to die.
Before that, there's a physics test to take, being busy from 8 am-10 pm tomorrow, packing, cleaning, homework, and trying to get some sleep. I am so grateful today for the boy in my Physics class that spent an hour tutoring me. I understand more now and feel more prepared. It was great.
I also got added to a dinner group today. feeding me Monday-Thursday = yes please :) and the people in it are pretty cool too. One of my goals this semester is to be more social. and with new people. I am working hard so far!
I love life so much, but sometimes it's just crazy. and hard. I say things I regret, I do things I regret, I feel super busy, I feel stressed, etc... but tonight I am just happy. happy to be alive and healthy. that I have energy to do the things I love and so many possiblities available to me. even if the things I want to do don't always work out, I am grateful to have goals to strive for and new things to try.
General Conference is in about a week. I am so excited... I definitely need some spiritual power in my life! so you should all watch it :) plus, I get to watch it with my family at a cabin! Does life get any better?
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