tonight I am going to volunteer at my friend's work and we are taking some of the residents to the park. I love them and it will be gorgeous.
then we are having a study abroad get together and so I will get to know some of the people going to London with me better. and speaking of London... they told us that we are going to the Harry Potter studio tour. pretty much the biggest thing I wanted to do while we were there so I am beyond stoked. they also told us to expect to spend about $200 a week. yikes. I know some weeks I will spend that much money. I might spend that much money alone in the gift shop at the HP studio tour. but some weeks I will definitely have to hold back!
then I am going to a bonfire up the canyon. man how fun!
anyways... since I have been failing at my Friday Favorites... here is one today. I LOVE to read. The first three years of college I stopped reading for fun all together because I just did not have the time. but I have been trying to make it a priority again and I am remembering how awesome it is. books are ten million times better. You get to know the characters better and really experience the story. Because it takes longer, you get to make predictions and hypothesize. I also love the symbolism in books and analyzing the stories and characters. so basically I am obsessed with reading again and I can't wait to read a ton of books spring semester when I have way more time.
here's my goodreads... if you are wondering what I am currently reading or want to read! :)
another reason I am happy... I am more in shape and healthier than I have been in a long time! the last couple weeks were not so healthy, but I truly love my body, I love to exercise, and I am working to be healthier.