I just got back yesterday from the best college roadtrip of my life. actually it was pretty much my first one.
The weekend started out with pre-traveling pictures. notice how excited we are.

In the car, we practiced our pick up lines and enjoyed Brandon's 'your face' comebacks. best pick up line" you are so steamy, you must be boiling!" best comeback line: "your FACE is beautiful." we also enjoyed the prank war with the other cars. calling each other and saying the most ridiculous things to trick each other. It was super funny. me and SJ were crammed in the back of a tiny truck and by the time we got there, it was more like "get me out of this truck before I die of leg cramps."
we stocked up on camp snacks in Laverkin and then we headed out to try and find the free campsite that Brandon camped at last year. Finally, we found it, but they had blocked off the area to protect the environment. our next best option was Zion's so we drove into Zion's and luckily, there were vacancies at the Watchman campground. so we got three campsites for the rest of the hikers that would be camping with us. However, most of them did not want the campsites, so we ended up having to sell one back, and we gave one to some other Aspen Grovites that needed a place to stay.
Of course, more things had to go wrong. there were no campfires allowed at Zion's. not even charcoal fires. so we had to drive into town again to go get food. we ended up at the McDonald's, ordering off the dollar menu. after that, we drove back to Zion's and laid out the tarp and our sleeping bags, watched some shooting stars, and then fell asleep.
the next morning, it was up at 6 am for hiking. we hiked Angels Landing (I did not go all the way up...too scary!) and the Narrows. It was super fun. we were singing songs all the way (like any camp counselor would) and partying it up. here are pictures.

riding the shuttle out to Angels Landing

Ben and Brian trying to convince me to hike the scary part of Angel's Landing.

pre hike picture!

gorgeous Narrows.

we went planking.

group Narrows picture!


best picture ever.

After hiking, we were exhausted. We searched high and low for a place to shower before our night out on the town. We found a campsite in St. George with showers for only $30/night. win win? I think yes. we all took nice showers and got all the dirt off and then went out for some Cafe Rio. it was so delicious after hiking all day cuz I was SUPER hungry. then we went to go see the Green Lantern at the dollar theatre in St. George. we drove back to our shady campsite in the middle of an RV park and crashed. I was super tired.
Sunday we woke up early for church and got ready. We tried to go to Kelli's friends ward but ended up in the wrong room. However, the talks were pretty good so I enjoyed it. We drove back to Aspen Grove. Kelli read us a couple conference talks in the car and the rest of the time I slept. We got back to AG and got back into real life mode, then went to Julia's grandma's for dinner. It was super delicious. While there, I got bit by 6 mosquitoes and signed up for a religion class with Kelli, Nico, and Stacey in the fall. I am super excited for it! Then, we went to Jordan's apartment to watch old family videos of the Ashcroft's. they were super funny because Jordan was attacking his cousin and Brandon said "I eat carrots" when his dad asked him what a bunny said. We then drove back up to the Grove. It was fun because Kelli and I were in the back seat of the cramped truck and we were super hyper laughing and making lame jokes. Overall, I had a great three day weekend.
Tomorrow = moving in and getting ready for school! I can't wait :)